Friday, May 30, 2014

Blackwater Draw Museum

I went to Blackwater Draw Museum yesterday. Here in Portales,NM  and  had a great time. So if you like dinosaurs and how they lived you will like this place it is very interesting to see and learn about.
 The colored spots are where the bones below go.

 Jaw Bones
 Assorted Mammoth bones

 Indian Artifacts
 Mammoth Foot bones

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Blackwater Draw Archaeological Site

I had a great time at the Blackwater Draw Archaeological Site here at Portales, NM . I also went to the Blackwater Draw Museum today. If you ever get a chance to get here it is a great place to go. I would recommend it to everyone to come see for yourself. It is very interesting place lots of  great information to learn.I am for sure I am going back before I leave this area.

Deer at the cave like entrance

These are some of the bones

 Picture below is of the teeth

 The perfect Campsite

 Just a nice scenic view
 Just a nice scenic view

 Just a nice scenic view
 A view of the dig site
Just a nice scenic view

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Owls here at Oasis state park

Here are some owls here at Oasis. There was a family of owls and now  there is only Mom or Dad and the 3 young ones. It looks like they had 3 different births because they are 3 different sizes. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did taking them.

 Mom or dad and the 3 young ones
 The 3 young ones giving me the evil eye
The 2 younger ones huddled together from the wind

Billy The Kids Grave site

      Had a great time with a fellow camper that I met at Leasburg Dam State Park. We went to Billy The Kid's Grave site yesterday and had a great time. Here are some pics from our trip. We were going to Fort Sumner and it was closed on Monday and Tuesday. So I guess I will have to go back.

These are the original marker 

The sign telling you about how the head stones were stolen and got back

This was a metal plated picture and they blow it up very large the hole at the top of the picture is a pin hole
Here are the names of the people in the picture that they know of. The rest they are looking into their names

Billy the Kid is in the stripped sweater

Shackles and hand cuffs like used on Billy the kid

Jail cell like what was used back in that era

Replica of the grave stone

Replica of the grave stone