Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Unique sunflower's and other things

                    Here are some unique things that I have seen here at Oasis State Park. Sunflowers and bugs on them are unique to see. You just have to think how small these things are. These are small sunflowers not the normal large ones. The sunrise's are great and different every day. Here are some pictures from the last couple of days I hope you enjoy them.
 The pond at Oasis State Park NM
 Sunrise with a white spot in the rays
 Mini Sunflower  doing a hang ten
 Unusual worms

 Large grasshopper on a sunflower stem
A unique looking grasshopper

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Unique Pictures

                                     Here some unique pictures I caught today ENJOY!!!

 Tiny white spider on the purple flower
 pretty little blue and beige eggs I guess
 Sunrise this morning
Airplane dusting the fields I guess. After they saw me taking pictures they left and didn't come back.

Fish Stocking at Oasis and other scenic / things

They stocked the pond with catfish. It is very interesting how they stock it. The birds and rabbits are so funny how they do things. Like the rabbit got into the feeder to get the last bit of food. Birds on the top of my RV drinking the water from the down spout and waiting in a line so they can share the water. Animals are so FUNNY!!! I hope you enjoy the pictures.