Thursday, October 23, 2014

I know I haven't written in a while. So here it goes. I brought a critter cam. For those who doesn't know what that is .. it is a camera that takes pictures at night and during the day, but there is not much activity during the day for it to be on . Here is what has been eating my bird feed at night. I hope to have more unique pictures at my next location which will be Blue Water State Park, NM.

 fawn eating corn

 Then fawn got thirsty


 This was from the first night buck and doe

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Birds at Oasis

Here are a few new pictures of some birds and sunrise's from yesterday morning. I have been trying to get this picture of the bird for a few days now and wasn't able to do so until now. I thought it was a woodpecker but I was wrong it was a Northern Flicker. I had to take the picture and then find out what it was.

I call it a loon but they tell me it is not.

Kill Deer

Sunrise Yesterday

Northern Flicker

Hawk in the tree yesterday morning

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Unique sunrise / sunsets

         It has been raining and very cloudy lately. Finally cleared up so I finally got some sunrise pictures. This morning there was a very large hawk in the tree across from my RV. I hope you enjoy them.



Sunrise with the fog on the water

Reflection on the water in the morning


Very Large Hawk in the tree across from my RV

Swanson Hawk in the tree

Sunrise this morning