Friday, December 25, 2015

Dec. Christmas is here!!!

It has been raining here so much I couldn't even get out to walk with my camera but there was a couple days that we did have a break in the weather and this is what I got. As you can see we have had just a little bit of rain.. I hope you enjoy..
Canal ditch over flowing

Canal ditch over flowing onto the road

This is  farmland

This is the river almost cresting

North Luckiamute River

Luckiamute River bridge flooded

This another pic from in front of my RV

This is the view from my RV
Rainbow over my RV

Saturday, November 7, 2015


        Here is a town here in Oregon where the movie Halloweentown was made. I went up on a weekday so there was nothing going on, but on the weekends there is lots going on. So if you do make it up here make sure you go on the weekend.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Fall

This is the tree by our Show Bird Pens . For everyone to come look and enjoy the birds.

This is just another one here at the park

Just a few leaves on the ground.

Just a few more

Just a little bit better picture of the tree

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Fall has come to Oregon

Saturday I decided to go for a walk hopefully to capture some fall pictures. I was also trying to stay out of the way of the hunters that were hunting for Pheasant. I did get some fall pictures . I also helped a dog / hunter get a bird. They came by me the dog was still a puppy out on its 2nd hunt. As I got to the canal area I looked as there was a pheasant sitting there. So I called to the hunter and told him that it was there. He looked at his dog and asked her "How did you miss that?" Here are the pictures below Hope ya'll in ENJOY!!!!

Where's the dog????

There it is and the bird too