Sunday, March 22, 2015

Tillamock cheese Factory

We went to the Tillamook Cheese factory. Tried all the free cheese I hate that my son wasn't with me cause he LOVES CHEESE!!! It was interesting how they packaged the cheese. They didn't show us how they really made it. Then they let us taste all the cheese they made and we could go thru the line as many times as we wanted to  All FOR FREE!!!

1 lb cheese and they weigh them

conveyor belt  coming around with cheese from the back side

Tillamook packaging

vacuum packaging  machine

larger package size going on to the vacuum machine

finished product going to be put in boxes for shipping

Monday, March 9, 2015

Red Tail Hawk

                I am really enjoying my time here at EE Wilson Wildlife area!!!  I know I have only been here a little over 1 week but today was AWESOME!!! I saw a red tail hawk. I have only seen a Swanson hawk, Osprey and a bald eagle as far as great birds. Also a sunrise from this morning still foggy at 7:45am. Hope you all enjoy these pictures.

Red tail hawk

Red tail hawk in flight

Sunrise this morning 7:45 am