Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Fall

This is the tree by our Show Bird Pens . For everyone to come look and enjoy the birds.

This is just another one here at the park

Just a few leaves on the ground.

Just a few more

Just a little bit better picture of the tree

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Fall has come to Oregon

Saturday I decided to go for a walk hopefully to capture some fall pictures. I was also trying to stay out of the way of the hunters that were hunting for Pheasant. I did get some fall pictures . I also helped a dog / hunter get a bird. They came by me the dog was still a puppy out on its 2nd hunt. As I got to the canal area I looked as there was a pheasant sitting there. So I called to the hunter and told him that it was there. He looked at his dog and asked her "How did you miss that?" Here are the pictures below Hope ya'll in ENJOY!!!!

Where's the dog????

There it is and the bird too

Friday, October 23, 2015

Just a little bit of work on the Deer pens

I have been working a little bit in the deer pens  trying to clear them out of blackberries and thistle. So here are the pictures of before and after. I still have a lot of work to do.
This is what the inside looked like before

inside  before

backside outside before

inside before

inside after

inside after

looking out the backside after

backside after

front door area before

the front door area after

the yard area before ( I still have to work on it)

The yard before ( I still have to work on it)

The yard before ( I still have to work on it)

Backside before ( I still have to work on it)

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

On a Pheasant hunt

I went out on a pheasant hunt today with two wonderful ladies and the boys ( dogs)  I was taking pictures as we were hiking all thru the blackberries and everything.Gloria got a bird she was so very happy. I really enjoyed it too. Here are some pictures of the hunt for y'all to enjoy.
Do You see the dog???

See the dog now????

Cindy shooting the pheasant

Happy Dog !!! sticking out its tongue