Monday, October 16, 2017

Gila Cliff Dwellings in New Mexico

Well I have moved  back to Pancho Villa State Park for a few months . So while I'm here decided to go sightseeing. Went to the Gila Cliff dwellings its in Mimbres ,NM. Here is a little bit of history about the Dwellings:
"Puebloans of the Mogollon. The Puebloans who once lived here grew corn, beans, and squash, foraged the fertlie Gila River valley and surrounding forests for native plants and hunted the area's for game. Departing the traditional regional dwelling forms (first pit houses and then surface pueblos), they built their pueblo inside the caves of the cliff Dweller Canyon with rock,mortar and timber felled between 1276 and 1287. The pottery found in the caves suggests that they came from the Tularosa River region to the north . During a time of many migrations in the southwest, they moved on by around 1300. "

Now here are a few pictures to show you how they built their homes. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did seeing them first hand. Wild life was great to see too.

Some deer on the road to the Dwellings

Lake Roberts

Owl sleeping as we were walking up

Judy and Walter waiting on me.

Walter waiting

a view from below the Dwellings

inside one of the rooms looking out

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Enjoying Leasburg Dam State Parks Wildlife

     Hello everyone, Sorry I haven't posted anything lately bur I have been having lots of fun with the wildlife here. ( No, I haven't been having parties so its real wildlife) Roadrunners with lizards ,quail,rabbits, jack rabbits,Hummingbirds, turtles, and all kinds of birds. I just hope ya'll enjoy them as much as I have taking them.
     I will be leaving here Oct. 2 ,2017 and heading back down to Pancho Villa State Park still here in NM. But just till Dec.31,2017 Then we will be on the road again heading to Oregon March 1,2018.  But in the meantime we will be in AZ for a RV rally at Quartzsite ,AZ So I hope to have lots of pictures from there too.