Sunday, March 30, 2014

Picographs #2

 I went out with some friends looking for more pictographs today. Had a great day found some at 2 different sites.I hope to get a couple of other friends to go to another site next week and they say it is that best in the area. I cant wait. Here are the pictures from today.
 Looks different maybe a turtle

 The river bed we walked in.

 The river bed we walked in.
 The river bed we walked in.
 The river bed we walked in.


Girl scout having fun

Last Monday I had a great day with 20 new young friends and 10 of their moms. Yes I had a girl scout troop out to see me and to learn how to make fire starters and vagabond stoves, buddy burners and they all loved it here is the proof.

Making fire starters
 Making fire starters
Making fire starters
 Making fire starters
 Making fire starters
 Painting their sit a pons
 a leader trying to put out the buddy burner
 cooking grilled cheese sandwiches
 cooking grilled cheese sandwiches
Making their buddy burners

Monday, March 17, 2014

Pictographs #1

Well I had a great day. We went out to look for more pictographs at a new location given to me by a professor who was camping here.Well we found it after a so called 1/4 mile or so walk ( more like 2 miles) soft sand  it wasn't fun walking. Then we climbed into the mountain and then found them it was AWESOME!!! words cant describe it. here take a look for yourself.

 This the windmill at Wacko tanks  were the settlers would stop for water
 Grinding holes from the Indians we think
 our view from the car before we started walking
 The San Diego mountains
  The San Diego mountains
  The San Diego mountains
 My friends how did not want their pictures taken. Resting in the Arroyo

 Doesnt that look like a bird from an old cartoon??
 A whale riding the surf !? Do you see it?
 Fish in the rock
 Just unique rocks

 We are there but don't know it.
