Monday, March 17, 2014

Pictographs #1

Well I had a great day. We went out to look for more pictographs at a new location given to me by a professor who was camping here.Well we found it after a so called 1/4 mile or so walk ( more like 2 miles) soft sand  it wasn't fun walking. Then we climbed into the mountain and then found them it was AWESOME!!! words cant describe it. here take a look for yourself.

 This the windmill at Wacko tanks  were the settlers would stop for water
 Grinding holes from the Indians we think
 our view from the car before we started walking
 The San Diego mountains
  The San Diego mountains
  The San Diego mountains
 My friends how did not want their pictures taken. Resting in the Arroyo

 Doesnt that look like a bird from an old cartoon??
 A whale riding the surf !? Do you see it?
 Fish in the rock
 Just unique rocks

 We are there but don't know it.


1 comment:

  1. Amazing! I must go and see them. Thanks for the posting and letting us view your blog. We will return in about two and one half weeks and I want to see these petryglyphs. Will you still be there?
