Friday, February 27, 2015


We went to the Lighthouse and walked to the jetty.The boulders where Walter is standing were like 42 tons each. they help with keeping the Tsunami back from the coast line. There were whales out in the water. the redwoods are AWESOME!!!!! I cant say much more then than. I even have 2 sea lions kissing. 
Pretty cool I think


 Some kind of squirrel
Can you see the whale's blowhole???
Can you see the whale's blowhole???

Redwood tree in the parking area

Walter standing by one of the redwood trees . Just so you can see for yourself how large they really are!!!

Walter trying to hug a tree

Judy in front of a redwood

Does this tree look weird????

Looks like a butt. what do you think???
Do you see the face in the tree?????

I guess things grow bigger in the forest here. Clover this big??? Really


Walter trying to push the trees apart

Can you believe that this tree is over 1500 yrs old????

Sea lions kissing! How cute!!!!

Baby sea lions

Baby sea lions

Baby sea lions

Baby sea lions