Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Tillamock Air Muesum

                We went to the Tillamock Air Museum.  It is an old air craft carrier bay. There is also a very large plane outside. Now they keep and show different kinds of air crafts there for show. We get to go into the plane it reminds me of my flight in the C-130 back in high school with the ROTC. There was a raccoon in the rafters as you walk outside to see the plan. I thought it was a stuffed animal but it was a live. As you all know I like to talk to the animals. No they don't talk back that is one good thing. LOL So when it finally looked down at me and moved I knew for sure it was a live.  I hope you enjoy these pictures. I just wish I could have posted more.

This was our greeter as we walked outside to the airplane.Yes It is a live.

The Mears Lighthouse

This light house is very unique. It  used to have candles Then they changed to the sun to power it with lots of glass to reflect to the light. It has a spiral staircase.Unique rocks in the ocean. The fog rolls in almost as fast as it clears up. I hope y'all enjoy the pictures

These rocks look like a frog and an elephant

Walkway down to the lighthouse

Sea foam  is dead very small animals like the ones whales eat

The glass makes the scenery look like its up sidedown

Fog rolls in very fast

It can clear almost as fast

The Octopus tree
Information on the Octopus tree



Thompson's Mill

          We went to see an old mill it was not a working mill but it had very good information on how the mill worked in its day. There was a lot of chickens and ducks there they also had turkeys but they were not as friendly as the others were. It was funny when we (Judy and Walter and myself) walked up the animals started running toward us like they wanted attention or something. BUT that was not the case we didn't see the feed machine. So one of the chickens fly / jump up on the fence and waited for us to put money in the machine for food .  As I was trying to get the food out of the machine I guess I was taking too long and she didn't want to wait so she climbed on to my arm and started eating the food out of my hand and from the machine. She was very impatient for sure!!! Well I hope y'all enjoy the pictures..

There she is the greedy one!!!

Outside of the mill

Main House

This was the host giving us the tour and showing how the belt could be fixed if it broke

The first vacuum cleaners

This is an ad for the vacuum clearners

The picture shows the toilet used to run into the water below until they remodeled it .

The person who worked this station walked so much they wore the floor out

This is the original wood

These are sheep in the field as we drove by.