Sunday, July 19, 2015

Animals in the wild Here at EE Wilson Wildlife area Oregon

As the dogs and I were walking about 530-6 am we were coming  by the pheasant pens there was an Owl.Then we were walking around the pond saw the heron and then down one of the side street . I was not thinking of seeing anything more than deer if that.Well we saw 2 Elk. Then as we finished up our walk we saw a coyote watching us.. Well today we were out again and there was a Red tail Hawk sitting up on a power pole by the archery field. It saw us and decided it wanted to find breakfast somewhere else..  Hope you enjoy the pictures ...
Owl sitting on the Pheasant pens
Heron on the pond looking for breakfast 

Elk they didn't even care the the dogs and I were behind them

Coyote sniffing but also watching us

Red Tail Hawk

Red tail hawk fluffing its wings

Decided it wanted to go some place else cause we were too close..

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