Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Meet Skully

Hi everyone I would like for you to meet Skully my newest addition. I was in Jo Ann Fabrics and saw Skully sitting there. The girls hated to see him go. I told them it was going to a good home with lots of of skull items. Here is the pictures I have been trying to post from my phone and it wouldn't do it. Well it looks like the elves and Skully are getting along good. I hope all enjoy the pics.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Videos from Alaska 2016

Here are some videos from our trip to Alaska I hope y'all enjoy them. I am still trying to upload more  but they are too large.


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Just some pics from rest areas along the road

This moth just looked so pretty getting its pollen from this butter cup. This was at a rest area along the way . Then we got to Prince George, BC and stayed at the Treasure Cove casino.  Very nice sunset . As we were Traveling down the road we stopped for lunch and I saw this wonderful stream below.

Muncho Lake, BC

A beautiful lake that we stopped at on the side of the road no it was no charge. Ended up staying for 4 days  then I ended up having the bounder towed in cause it wasn't just the fuel filter it ended up being the brakes, rooters, pads that were gone,So 4 1/2 hours later I was towed  to Fort Nelson for repair.But here are some pics from the stay there. a very nice place to stop for sure.
My view from my  window

Plane taking off on the water.Pretty cool I think.

Jersey in the water

The Lodge that wanted $55 a night to be on the water.

The plane landing or taking off on the water

Judy Sleeping in the chair

Ya'll know i love my wildlife even if it a bee

Yes the water was that teal blue color.

Bounder getting towed to Fort Nelson

The hot springs in Watson Lake, BC

Here was some pics from the hot Springs that Susanna went into . It was very pretty there. I was trying not to get anyone in the pictures cause then I would have to get release papers. LOL

the Buffalo and the black bear in B.C

Here are some more pics. The buffalo on the side of the road . From Watson Lake, BC to Muncho Lake, BC. They are AWESOME   sight to see young ones laying on the side of the road too cool. I hope you all enjoy them as much as I did taking the pics..


It cool to see a black bear in the wild

Eating st the grass and not even paying any attention to us on the road.

along the road passed the buffalo

information on the buffalo