Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day

       I just wanted to say Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!!! Its been nice for a couple of days then it started raining again.

        Well we got 10 goats to work on eating the blackberry bushes in the deer pens. So that means I don't have to work on them anymore. Well I go up and count them everyday to make sure nothing has happened to them well I went up Friday morning and they came running to the fence towards me. I of course I talk to them just like I do to all animals. I told Shawn our manager what they did and he laughed and said " all animals seem to like you." Well went up there yesterday and found some feed on the ground and tried to feed it to them. They didn't want anything to do with it. I tried again today. They came right up to the fence and ate right out of my hand . Now all we need is to get a little bit more feed to get them used to us coming up there .

I went to Camping world yesterday and got this reusable bag. I told Nicole that I was thinking of her. She is my "HIPPIE Child"born in the wrong Era.

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