Thursday, February 27, 2014

Wildlife here at Leasburg Dam State Park

I was on a walk yesterday morning down at the day use area. Since it is closed for the season I go and fix the chicken wire fences on the bridges at least once a week. I was also told there was a bird down there that is NOT common to New Mexico,so I had to go and see if I could find it too. well no I didn't find it but I did see a pretty bird that looks like a black cardinal ( phainopepla ). As I walked down the trail I met a camper and their dog talked a little and I started walking and looking up at the trees for birds,but then I saw a Great Horned Owl. What a great find and yes I did get the picture of it. Then the owl leaned down and its eyes got very large and then it flew away. So I walked down  and there it was in another tree. This time his back was to me,but he was looking at me. I watched a little while (while I was still taking pics) and saw its head turn almost all the way around it was very cool watching it.

Sky this morning

 Great Horned Owl close up
 Great Horned Owl
 Looking at me from his back
A Hawk on the other side of the Rio Grande

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Prosometer with friends of Leasburg Dam SP

I  had an awesome day. The Friends of Leasburg Dam State Park had their meeting and we showed off how the prosometer works. I think we all learned something from it.It was a lot of fun Then on Wed. we had all the Rangers and volunteers from Elephant Butte State Park come down and learn other stuff as well as the prosometer.

Friends group 
 Friends group testing the water for temperature
 Measuring the water

 Elephant Butte group watching the cold water go thru the sand

 Measuring the sand

 Sunset Wed night.

My newest addition to my skull collection

Cindy a friend of mine called me and asked me if I wanted a skull to add to my collection,sure I will take it. So now I have a skull and horns together and it looks cool on the dash of my RV. The sunset last night was awesome as always out here.

 This is the newest addition to my collection
 This is almost all my Skulls


Friday, February 7, 2014

Pink Store in Mexico

On Wednesday I went to the Pink store in Mexico it was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed it as well as the company that I was with. It was Walter and Judy they were the other camp hosts here in the summer with me. I was good I didn't drink the water but I did have 3 of the margaritas . Walter had the musicians to serenade Judy and I, it was fun. They were great and so was the food. The owner lives around the El Paso area. Enjoy the pictures. I did get across without a passport, I guess maybe they thought SC was another country. LOL. We are going back before I leave the area so I need to get a passport SOON.

 The Pink Store menu
 FREE Margaritas
 downtown Palomas, Mexico
 Judy and I
 Some stuff for sale at the pink store
  Some stuff for sale at the pink store
 Just passed the gate at the border
Some tiles I brought, I thought they would go good with my other skull stuff.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Walk at the park with Girl Scouts

I missed yesterday. I had a wonderful day with some Daisy Girl scouts who came out for a guided tour of Leasburg Dam State Park. I was talking to them about coming back out before April and have a camp out with me so i could teach them all the wonderful stuff I know how to do in the great outdoors.
 Ranger Alex talking to the girl scouts
 Teaching the girls about why there is no water in the Rio Grande
 The girls feeling the water from the springs
Geo thermal Springs

Monday, February 3, 2014

Roadrunner in my tree

I was just out and about and one of my campers came over and told me there was a Roadrunner in my tree next to my place. I told him Yes they seem to like that tree for some reason. I had another camper yesterday ask me "What kind of bird is that in your tree? it has fur not feathers." I had my camera with me and asked them does it look like this?  Yes they said . Well it is a roadrunner and they could'nt believe it till they saw the picture. So here it is.

 Roadrunner up my tree
 Some people Don't think Roadrunner go in trees.
 Train that runs by the campground

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Hike with Alex

Went out for a hike with Alex the ranger here at the park. It was great as always here are some pictures I took today. I hope you all enjoy.

 On the Rio Grande

 Just another view of the Rio Grande
 Something unique I saw in the river bed

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Rock hunting

I had a wonderful day hanging with two of my Friends Group ladies we went rock hunting. Found some broken pottery

Sunrise and sunset

As I said yesterday we have beautiful  sunsets and sometimes they have different unusual things you can see in the clouds. I saw a horse's head in the clouds this morning.

 Do you see the horse's head,ears and front legs?
This was just earlier this morning