Friday, February 7, 2014

Pink Store in Mexico

On Wednesday I went to the Pink store in Mexico it was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed it as well as the company that I was with. It was Walter and Judy they were the other camp hosts here in the summer with me. I was good I didn't drink the water but I did have 3 of the margaritas . Walter had the musicians to serenade Judy and I, it was fun. They were great and so was the food. The owner lives around the El Paso area. Enjoy the pictures. I did get across without a passport, I guess maybe they thought SC was another country. LOL. We are going back before I leave the area so I need to get a passport SOON.

 The Pink Store menu
 FREE Margaritas
 downtown Palomas, Mexico
 Judy and I
 Some stuff for sale at the pink store
  Some stuff for sale at the pink store
 Just passed the gate at the border
Some tiles I brought, I thought they would go good with my other skull stuff.

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