Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Alaska more pictures

Well here are some pics from the last week.  Its hard to say when I might get WiFi again so I hope you all enjoy these pictures.
Moose and Calf

Green winged teal




Moose Calves

Moon Lake State Park

Moose watching

Moose watching

Moose we saw

Moose we saw

Moose we saw

My Rv should read "Wash Me"

Our campsites at Tundra Rv Park in Tok,AK


Judy and Susana's site

Walter and Judy's Site

Campfire always good.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Alaska Continued

Yes we have made it to Alaska . We stopped at Tok and went to a few places  Like a place called "Chicken"  just because they could not spell Tarmigan which is a bird that looks like a chicken and they could all spell Chicken . Lol A Unique town for sure ! they pan for gold still to this day. We have also stopped at an Alaska State Park called moon Lake and I have gotten a few pics of moose  as well as something called a Marment. Not very often seen never the less photographed . Well I saw it twice and photographed it too. Now we are in Denali and are taking the bus tour tomorrow. This was the first time I have had any kind of Internet  in a week. So here are some pictures of my adventure I hope you all ENJOY THEM!!!

Chicken Post Office

Dave ( the Flamingo) and I at the Alaska sign

Walter , Judy, Karen (me) ,Dave the Flamingo, Judy and Susana

Friday, June 24, 2016

Alaska we are here

We got to Alaska on June 21.  No problems at the border just welcome home!! We have just stayed on Tok. Very nice place small 1restaurant. No fast food!! We went to Chicken on the 23 June. Its am old gold mining town they still do mining there too. I went to the post office there and mailed a letter so it was post marked Chicken ,Alaska . Today we are Heading out towards Fairbanks who knows where we will stop for the night. Straight Talk doesn't work up here so I have no cell service or internet.  Verizon has just gotten up here within the last year. I might have to post pics the next time I have my computer up to Wi Fi. And edit these posts with pics.


We got to Lacey Washington on Monday night Then continued to drive to Canada.  Well we got there on Tuesday.  After a fun time with the border patrol a 1001 questions and my RV being searched we got to Costco.  Never go into Canada if you ate a single white woman that is under the age of retirement!!! If you do make sure you have financial papers ready to show them you can make it on your own!! I still have to show them that when I try to return to Canada after pur stay in Alaska is done. Also make sure you have insurance for windshield repair cause I haven't even gotten into Alaska yet and a log truck was hauling butt ans throw a rock and busted my upper left corner of drivers side window.  But having fun so far 😍!!!! Living OUR dream. For sure!!

Almost to Alaska!!

We are almost to the Alaskan highway only 300 miles to go !!? Yeah!!!! We saw an adult bear crossing the road and the baby stayed behind. I was farther back so I didn't get to see much. But I did get a pic of its backside!! LOL. Then a little farther down the road I saw another set of bears climbing on the rocks but I was on them before I even saw.  (them just a glimpse )    I did get a picture of a bald eagle this morning while put walking with the pups.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Left EE Wilson wildlife area today

We were all packed up and left out about 8 am this morning. We stopped to deliver some scrapbooking stuff to a lady near the Dalles Oregon at the Jublitz truck stop. Now we have stopped for the night at Wal-Mart Lacey, Washington for the night. Then we get to hit the road to go thru Seattle in the morning. I will post more tomorrow. 

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Heading out to Alaska

Well we are heading out to Alaska tomorrow . ( We are : Walter, Judy, Susanna, Judy and myself) I am so ready to see more of the USA. Now we have 3 RV's  heading out of here and  here is what it looks like now at EE Wilson Wildlife, Oregon I hope I will have internet to at least post something daily.
You can barely see Walter and Judy's RV just the nose and his Truck, Then mine and last Judy and Susanna"s

Judy and Susanna's RV .Their spot for the weekend.