Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Alaska Continued

Yes we have made it to Alaska . We stopped at Tok and went to a few places  Like a place called "Chicken"  just because they could not spell Tarmigan which is a bird that looks like a chicken and they could all spell Chicken . Lol A Unique town for sure ! they pan for gold still to this day. We have also stopped at an Alaska State Park called moon Lake and I have gotten a few pics of moose  as well as something called a Marment. Not very often seen never the less photographed . Well I saw it twice and photographed it too. Now we are in Denali and are taking the bus tour tomorrow. This was the first time I have had any kind of Internet  in a week. So here are some pictures of my adventure I hope you all ENJOY THEM!!!

Chicken Post Office

Dave ( the Flamingo) and I at the Alaska sign

Walter , Judy, Karen (me) ,Dave the Flamingo, Judy and Susana

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