Sunday, June 12, 2016

Last day at EE Wilson wildlife area

It is a little bit sad today was my last day of work for EE Wilson wildlife area. I definitely will miss everyone here and the people I have made while I was here. There are two wonderful ladies that walk about 3 days a week Catherine and Cheryl. They took me out to dinner on my birthday and they didn't even know it cause I was leaving Mar 31.  Then I left April 1and then came back April 26. We got to help out with youth outdoor day. Since we were the only ones who kinda knew what was going on. Well Then I went out to dinner with Steve and Betty. We went to the Farm Food Restaurant down the road from here after dinner I came back and found out I had something in my tire and now it is flat.

Betty , Steve and myself

An end to a wonderful evening with a flat tire

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