Monday, July 25, 2016

Valdez, AK

We left on Sat. June 23, 2016 and came toward Valdez,AK but we stopped at on the side of the road at a wonderful spot Waterfront just Beautiful. Then we came down to Valdez Lots of rain but we went out to a museum or two and saw a few waterfalls and saw a sea lion getting lunch. There were a lot of Salmon in the water as well.
Sea lion eating lunch #1 fish

Sea lion eating Lunch #2  fish That we know of.

Sea lion throwing a fish to the birds

Salmon look like rocks
Walter hold a very large rifle at the Museum
Waterfall here in Valdez Glacier RV Park
Young Bald Eagle
Me holding a very large rifle at the museum

Waterfall where the salmon were

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

4 mile one way hike

 Well we were heading out for a hike that was 1.5 mile one way it was called Flat top mountain Google directions took us to Rabbit Creek. But we didn't know that till we were about half way thru When we met a young lady and her dog walking the trail that's when she told us what trail we really were on. Also told us it was 4 miles to the lake.WOW did we want to continue or not. We did. Up and down little hills and over small creeks running thru the trail also saw bear scat along the way.We met a few other people all passing us by that's for sure. We met and young lady her name was Ann and we continued to walk to the lake then she found her friends that pasted us. We made it in about 3 1/2 hours. Got there and WOW!!! AMAZING !!!  We walked around the bottom of the lake and found another little lake on the other side of the hill. You just will have to see it to under stand what we saw. I didn't hurt while I was on the trail, but as soon as I sat down in the truck and rode home. I tried to get out of the truck and that's when I was really hurting. This morning I got up not hurting, walked the dogs our .66 mile with no problems. ENJOY!!!

Susana getting her feet wet on the way back

Wind turbines on the water

You can see the town below us

Creek on the trail

The trail

Ground squirrel

Ann The young lady we met along the way

Top of hill before you see the lake

The lake

Susana at the top

Look and see if you can see the rocks.See how clear the water is

Yes I wear my Teva's and yes I did put my feet in the cold water. It felt good that's for sure.

They other lake over the other hill

They other lake over the other hill

Little water fall on the trail

Almost there

Susana with the mountain behind her

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Joint Base for Air Force and Army here in Alaska

We are staying at the Joint Base for Air Force and Army in their Fam Camp. Well we are surrounded by woods and a road behind us. Yes there are signs that say Bear Country be AWARE. Well there was a bear wondering the campgrounds when we pulled in then one Judy saw it this past Wednesday I didn't get to see it cause I was going to the airport with Judy and Susana. But yesterday Walter came back and said there was a moose just down the road. So of course I took off with camera in hand . When I got there there was a mama moose and twins. Lots of cars were stopped on the road all with their smart phones. LOL As I got closer she looked over at me and stared me down ( I'm on the other side of the road) Keep in mind cars are stopping right next to her and the babies no worries. I talked to her and then she went back to eating. SO I hope you enjoy the pics below.

This when I saw them Look closely to the font of the car and you can see the babies

Mama Moose


Mama Moose

Mama Moose

Has anyone seen a 6-7 leaf clover before??

The back of my clover I found

Friday, July 15, 2016

Our sites

Here is our camp sites either on the road or at a campground. These are just the last couple of places we have stopped.

Our site on the side of the road

The great view of the mountains

Yes there was a railroad behind us

As well as 2 small waterfalls

We are on the base

We are on the base

We are on the base

We are on the base

We are on the base

We are on the base, You can see me then in front of me is Walter and Judy,to the right of them the fifth wheel is Judy and Susana's