Friday, July 15, 2016

Eagles at Seward City Park

We were at the city park in Seward,AK  for a few days. On the last day We were packing up I was just waiting for the others to get ready and I saw a bald eagle starting to land around the jetty area just down from where we were at. So of course with camera in hand like always. I walked down the water edge and saw that there was 4 Bald Eagles there one in the tree and the others on the rocks. They had a fish or two and were eating it. 2 of the were younger ones and the other 2 were adults. It was just a great capture to get so close to them. Well here they are ENJOY!!!

younger Bald Eagle has fish in its talons

See the fish at its feet?

Squawking as if to say "child of mine get over here and eat "

I guess it worked. Young one and adult eating

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